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Skilled and Constructive youth, shaping a peaceful, prosperous and strong Pakistan. (Short-term Vision) Semi-literate and educated youth provided employable skills and certification to meet …

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Now BBSHRRDB is offering 2 to 24 months' comprehensive vocational training courses for the unemployed youth of Sindh aged between 18 to 35 years holding valid CNIC. Monthly Stipend …

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bbsydpsindh.gov.pk . Concept of BBSYDP : The Government of Sindh has launched a major initiative, titled "Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program", for addressing the issues of poverty and un-employment through Human resource development in the province. The Program aims to provide skill development to approximately 100,000 semi ...

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new addmissions free training with stipend for unemployed youth of sindh in quality training institutions online applications are invited for admissions in training for phase-xv

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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.

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BBSHRRDB Admissions

Bbshrrdb admissions 2022 - 2023 in karachi advertised in newspaper ads on paperpk. New and latest BBSHRRDB Admissions open in fall spring and autumn 2022 announcement for Bbshrrdb karachi degree and cources check out the notice, last dates and eligibility here

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BBSHRRDB is the mega innitiative of the Government of Sindh. Established through Act of Assembly, Sindh 2013 as a public service initiative to develop human resource in Sindh by …

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About US

About US - BBSHRRDB. As a matter of legislative determination, to sustain and safe guard public interest, the mandate of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program [BBSYDP], …

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About US

About US - BBSHRRDB. As a matter of legislative determination, to sustain and safe guard public interest, the mandate of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program [BBSYDP], initiated in 2008-09 by Government of Sindh, has been passed on to Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Human Resource Research & Development Board[BBSHRRDB], established through Act of …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

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