Cee-Bee R-66C Corrosion Remover 25Lt Pail *MIL-C …

Cee-Bee R-66C Corrosion Remover 25Lt Pail *MIL-C-38334A Type I Class 1. Silmid P/N: CEEBR66025. Remove From Favourites Add To Favourites . No Stock - Standard lead time 31 business days. ... Cee-Bee R 66 C is a remover that rappidly removes surface oxidation and corrosion. It conditions aluminum surfaces for excellent paint adhesion. Thixotropic.

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MIL-C-38334A (NOTICE 2), MILITARY SPECIFICATION: CORROSION REMOVING COMPOUND, PREPAINT, FOR AIRCRAFT ALUMINUM SURFACES (02-NOV-1998) [S/S BY SAE-AMS1640]., MIL-C-38334A, dated 24 August 1971, is hereby canceled. ... MIL-C-38334 Rev. A Download File - 23.77 KB Report Problem (email) Status: Cancelled. FSC Code: 6850 - …

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M2L-C-38334A(UBAP) 24 *st 1971 SUPBRSEDINC MIL-C-38334(UBAF) 29 October 1%4 MILITARY SPF.CIFICATION CCXIROSIONREMOVING COMPOUND, fTUIPAINT, POR AIRCRAFT AUJMIhW SRF C 1. SCOPs 1.1 ~. Thie specification cevers phosphoric-acid base nonflauanable Cqeutis for removing cerrosion frcamaircraft alaminum eurfaces. 1.2 Classification.

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Coating & Paint Removers

SAE AMS 1640C (Supersedes MIL-C-38334), Corrosion Removing Compound for Aircraft surfaces BIOACT™ 108 CIC Remover & Solvent Cleaner Solvent cleaner designed to remove corrosion inhibited ... MIL-C-85704 Type II, Airbus (Application Code 08AJA9/869200), Airbus AIMS 09-00-002, Boeing D6-17487

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MIL-C-38334 TYI CL1

To receive a quote for MIL-C-38334 TYI CL1, please call us at 310-397-9896 or click the "Prepare a Quote" button next to MIL-C-38334 TYI CL1 or the corresponding material. Material Name: MIL-C-38334 TYI CL1. Description: Acidic Corrosion Remover and Brightener. Details ...

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Surface Treatment Solutions for Military & Defense

MIL-PRF-32587, TO 1-1-24, C-130 LES, Boeing DPM 5549-1, Boeing BMS 10-144, Douglas DPS 9.316-3, Lockheed Martin EMAP G32.2356, EMAP G32.2358, LM Spec ... AMS 1640 (superseded MIL-C-38334) B&B JET 7 Aircraft exterior cleaner for dirt, grime, light oils and hydraulic fluid. May be used in confined areas such

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3-260. Corrosion Removal and Treatment of Aluminum …

Aluminum alloys which are treated with Specification MIL-C-38334 shall be treated with Specification MIL-C-5541. Most solutions conforming to Specification MIL-C-5541 leave a stain. A clear Specification MIL-C-5541 coating is available (reference QPL 5541) and should be used when a bright metal finish is desired. 3-57

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Surface Treatment Technologies For Aerospace

undercarriage areas. Qualified to MIL-PRF-85570. Low abrasive spot cleaner for thrust, smoke trail and rocket blast areas. Non-streaking, water-based windshield cleaner. Safe and effective on glass and acrylics. Deodorizer for aircraft cabin interiors. P Approvals & Conformance SAE AMS 1640C (Supersedes MIL-C-38334), Corrosion Removing

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aluminum pretreatment MIL-C-38334, an acid material, may be used to remove corrosion prod-ucts from aluminum alloy materials or items (e.g., skins, stringer, ribs in wings, tubing, or ducts). MIL-C-38334 is available in two types: 1 Type I Liquid concentrate materials should be diluted in accordance with the

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MIL-C-38334 Revision A:1971

Buy MIL-C-38334 Revision A:1971 CORROSION REMOVING COMPOUND, PREPAINT, FOR AIRCRAFT ALUMINUM SURFACES from Intertek Inform. Customer Support: +1 416-401-8730. Login to i2i Subscription Intertek. Explore Standards. Solutions. Resources. Support. There are no items in your cart

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MIL-C-46156 Corrosion Removing Compound

This MIL-C-46156 specification covers a corrosion removing compound, containing sodium hydroxide, chelating and sequestering agents, wetting agents and detergents, a polyhydroxy compound, inhibitors and accelerating agents. ... MIL-C-38334 Corrosion Removing Compound, Prepaint, For Aircraft Aluminum Surfaces. Toll Free: 800.607.2744

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Cee-Bee R-66C Corrosion Remover 25Lt Pail *MIL-C …

Cee-Bee R-66C Corrosion Remover 25Lt Pail *MIL-C-38334A Type I Class 1. Product Code: CEEBR66025. £0.00. Cee-bee R-66C is a thickened, acidic, oxidation and corrosion remover, prepaint conditioner and brightener for aluminum. ... MIL-C-38334 Type I Class 1. Please Note: Specifications and approvals are subject to change at any time. Users ...

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0-2568 A preparation of nonspecific chemicals compounded primarily for cleaning and brightening, by chemical action, aluminum surfaces, such as the unpainted exterior surface of …

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MIL-C-38334 APPROVED. BULLETIN NO. 170-4. Liquid, free rinsing aircraft brightener and corrosion remover. Use full strength to 1:1 with water. Apply from bottom to top using a non-atomizing spray. Allow to dwell 5–20 minutes. Agitate and rinse with warm to ambient water, bottom to top. Part No. Size METALGL06-55GL 55 gallons Turco Acid Base ...

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MIL-C-38334 TYI

To receive a quote for MIL-C-38334 TYI, please call us at 310-397-9896 or click the "Prepare a Quote" button next to MIL-C-38334 TYI or the corresponding material. Material Name: MIL-C-38334 TYI. Description: Acidic Corrosion Remover and Brightener. Details ...

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MIL-C-38334 Corrosion Removing Compound, Prepaint, For Aircraft Aluminum Surfaces. MIL-W-81381 Wire, Electric, Polyimide-Insulated, Copper or Copper Alloy MIL-S-81733 Sealing and Coating Compound, Corrosion Inhibitive MIL-H-83282 Hydraulic Fluid, Fire Resistant, Synthetic Hydrocarbon Base, Aircraft, NATO Code Number H-537. MIL -P -83310 Plastic ...

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